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Place an order and give a dog in Sri Lanka a better life

During my recent vacation to Sri Lanka I was deeply affected by the enormous suffering ofthe dogs that I witnessed there.

There are estimated to be more than 2 million stray dogs and far too many puppies never getthe chance to become adult dogs. The people of Sri Lanka generally do not care about thedogs and for the people who do have a dog within their family, it has to eat what the familyeats, curry and rice.


During an average evening walk I found 2 litters of puppies.

Many of these dogs get hit by cars and if they survive, become handicapped. Other dogsbecome ill due to diseases and sometimes these dogs are lucky enough to be found by localsor tourists and brought to shelters to be treated.

I was able to visit 3 of these shelters during my visit (Dogs of Ella, Animal SOS Sri Lanka andDog Passion Sri Lanka). These shelters are financed through caring people from the West.The dogs here get needed operations, proper food and get to live happy and healthy livestogether in a large group.

The shelter dogs are so grateful for the love and attention they receive.

Even dogs with just 3 or even 2 legs or dogs that are paralyzed or have other handicaps arehappy and enjoy life and the attention they receive from visiting tourists.

In the small village of Bentote I came across 2 puppies in a graveyard. These helpless puppieswere skin and bones and one of the puppies was near death. I was able to feed themdogfood that I had purchased during my trip to share with any dog in need I found along myway.

Shortly thereafter I coincidentally came across Dog Passion Sri Lanka and after I was given atour of the facility and had the chance to cuddle with the dogs at this shelter, I met Pradeep,an exceptionally caring Sri Lankan who took the time to explain to me the workings of thisdog shelter.

I then told him about the 2 puppies I had just come across and Pradeep proceeded to swiftlyrescue them from their situation and brought them to the shelter where both puppies arerecovering from their ordeal and get the chance to be happy young dogs.

Because of my experiences with the dogs of Sri Lanka I have decided to donate a part of mymonthly Herbalife profits to these shelters. With each order placed I will donate 1pound/euro.I shall share regular updates of what these shelters are able to do with these donations and Ihope that you too are as deeply touched by the worldwide suffering of animals as I am.

Together we can make this world a better place.